Zoals eerder vermeld werken we nauw samen met dierenarts Bert Seys. Hij is sinds Maart 2020 de enige CERP, Certified Equine Rehabilitation Practitioner, in België. Dit brengt het aantal op slechts 12 revalidatiedeskundigen in Europa. Dit houdt in dat hij zich verdiept heeft in de klinische toepassingen in en rond de revalidatie van paarden. Hij is op de hoogte van de nieuwste technologieën en hun resultaten in de revalidatiesector.
Hierdoor kunnen wij een verscheidenheid aan helende therapieën combineren bij de behandeling van paarden.
In cooperation with the Colorado State University Orthopaedic Research Center, in 2004 the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine developed the only university-based, RACE approved credential program in equine rehabilitation. Since its foundation, the curriculum of the program has been continuously updated to secure state of the art contents, in the theoretical content as well as in the practical approach. As particularly modalities improve continuously, we focus on working with the best providers in the market.The Equine Rehabilitation Certificate Program (CERP) is a sequence of postgraduate courses which include case studies and a cumulative examination. The CERP program is designed to guide the practitioner from the theoretical foundations to the clinical applications of equine rehabilitation.